Coffee cigarettes!? What's that? Have they come up with another bizarre coffee flavor? I've heard of some interesting flavors but never before a cigarette flavor. How good can that be unless you're a chain smoker? Never fear. This is something better than just another coffee flavor. Have you ever seen those smokers on their coffee break sitting outside on the steps with a coffee in one hand, a cigarette in their mouth and with the other hand they're catching up with the latest on their smartphone. Quite complicated isn't it? Listen to the solution some creative teenagers have come up with to help them multitask. Simple as smoking coffee! Yup that's right. They take ground coffee and roll it up in cigarette paper or they smoke it with a pipe. They claim it gives them an extra energy boost. Now that sounds like something to try. But I still like my cuppa coffee - wouldn't change it for some smoke.
Coffee Cigarettes. A New Trend?
This entry was posted on April 1, 2014 by Rose.
This entry was posted in Coffee Talk on April 1, 2014 by Rose.
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